2 March 2022 — Announcement
Job Opportunity: Scottish Screening Tour Programme Producer

Scotland + Venice and LUX Scotland are looking for a creative, committed individual who is passionate about the work of LUX Scotland, Scotland + Venice and Forma, and our shared commitment to support, develop and promote artists’ moving image across Scotland. The Programme Producer will join the team to organise and deliver a programme of screenings across Scotland of Alberta Whittle’s new film work, commissioned by Scotland + Venice and Forma for the 59th International Art Exhibition in Venice. The programme is expected to run from August 2022 to March 2023 at a maximum of eight Scottish venues and is made possible with support from Art Fund. The exact schedule, and final list of venues, will be decided in discussion with the artist, and the Scotland + Venice partnership.
For details on how to apply please visit LUX Scotland’s website.
Deadline: 10am, Monday 21 March 2022
Unfortunately, we are unable to consider applications that arrive after this point.
Interviews: online on Thursday 31st March 2022.
If you have any access requirements or need help in making an application, please contact [email protected]