What if…?/ Scotland — Places
Lynne Russell, Citizen
I wish… that the young people I teach could look out of the classroom window and see a town which has something to offer them.
Andrew Piggott, 7N Architects
What if… the people of Annan could short-circuit the political processes that prevent making worthwhile use of derelict buildings?
The derelict Central Hotel stands at the gateway to Annan. The people of Annan wish to bring this building into community ownership and create a public arts centre; however, bureaucracy is seen as too steep a hurdle to overcome. But what if the community could kick-start a new, exciting use using their own energy and resources to bring their own vision to life by occupying the land around the building to create a pop-up arts venue and a space for all to gather?
Ben Pool, Citizen
I wish… my town looked like we care.
Nick Wright, Nick Wright Planning
What if… a little act, like cleaning a shop front, could inspire others to invest in the High Street again?
Annan High Street has lots of opportunities, if only it were more attractive. Ben’s idea was that he and his friends from school could go along with a bucket and sponge and offer to help shopkeepers clean their shop fronts. This small act could inspire others, creating a domino effect along the High Street. A bucket and sponge could inspire a lick of fresh paint…then a new sign…then a re-fit…then a new business in a vacant space…then the renovation of a derelict building. By starting small, we can build confidence and demonstrate that the community has the power to make the change it wants to see happen.
Alan Thomson, Citizen
I wish… Annan’s proud industrial history could be celebrated in a way that enriches modern life in the town.
Jordan McCrae, Collective Architecture
What if… Annan’s harbour was brought back in to use as a dynamic, public place of learning and exchange?
To reconnect Annan’s post-industrial harbour to the town centre, the historic harbour building and quay side could be converted into a place of ‘useful learning’, providing a community space with digital and traditional workshop facilities which would offer Annan’s young and old citizens the space to reconnect through active making, teaching and learning from each other.
Meanwhile, the reimagined quay side would support markets, exhibitions and events and, through the creation of a new bridge, connect to previously inaccessible green space and riverside walks.
Roderick McCallum, Citizen
I wish… that young families had the same access to generous houses and gardens that my family had when I was young’
Sam Boyle, 7N Architects
What if… older residents could live in the town centre, bringing life back to the High Street, whilst freeing up larger suburban housing for young families?
What if we could reanimate Annan’s town centre by promoting and facilitating town centre living for older residents? What If these new homes incorporated elements of co-living, addressing loneliness issues by providing communal spaces and facilities? Gap sites and surface car parks could be re-imagined to provide linear gardens in laneways and pocket parks off the High Street, improving the pedestrian experience for all whilst also providing an opportunity for older generations to pass on skills and knowledge about gardening and seasonal growing.
Calum McDougall, Citizen
I wish … young people’s views were listened to.
Nicola Atkinson, Beautiful Materials
What if… we created a brand for Annan which would bring all generations together?
TOGETHER is a brand to inspire the local community to make things happen and transform Annan for the future. TOGETHER hopes to unify the generations and focus them on a common goal – a better place to live for all. It is adaptable and can be projected on buildings, on clothing and used digitally. The TOGETHER brand will unify the many hopes and wishes into a bold and clear vision, to help harness energy and to make things happen for people and places.