14 December 2023 — Announcement
Culture Radar appointed to deliver Scotland + Venice review

Following an open tender process Culture Radar has been appointed to lead a review of the Scotland + Venice project.
The review, which is being commissioned by Creative Scotland on behalf of the Scotland + Venice partners, will determine the future viability of the project and the effectiveness of the current approach to its delivery. The achievements of Scotland + Venice have been significant but there are resourcing and capacity challenges that need to be addressed. In addition, in the context of the climate crisis The Review will consider the project’s pathway to Net Zero by 2030.
Established in 2003, Scotland + Venice is a significant, flagship project that promotes the best of contemporary art and architecture from Scotland on the world stage at La Biennale di Venezia (La Biennale). La Biennale is the oldest and one of the most prestigious cultural organisations in the world, presenting annual festivals of Dance, Music, Theatre and Cinema alongside the biennial exhibitions of Contemporary Art and Architecture.
The Review is anticipated to run from January 2024 through to May 2024 and comprise a mixture of desk research, interviews with key stakeholders, and targeted sectoral engagement sessions. The work will be overseen by a Creative Scotland Steering Group, with invited stakeholders including Moira Jeffrey (Director, Scottish Contemporary Arts Network), Jude Barber (Architect and Director, Collective Architecture) and Andrew Ormston (Director, Drew Wylie) working with Culture Radar to support and deliver the review.
Scotland + Venice is delivered through a strategic partnership of Creative Scotland, British Council Scotland, National Galleries Scotland (NGS), Architecture & Design Scotland (A&DS), V&A Dundee and the Scottish Government. Centred on supporting creative excellence and ambition, the project positions Scotland as a dynamic place for contemporary cultural production that is committed to the global exchange of ideas.